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Hay fever: How to cope with outdoor allergies

It is time to take precautions

Hay fever season is here, which means a lot of us will be keeping away from the park and

going outdoors. It would be a shame to stay at home when the temperature is rising and the

sun is finally out!

So, here are a few things you can do to still be able to enjoy the outdoors:

Check when to go outside

Pollen levels vary a lot day-by-day, so pay attention to the weather forecast. Windy

days tend to be the worst, as pollen blows around with the wind. So watch out for

the windless days.

Dress smart

No, we do not mean your usual smart, not a suit. We mean you should dress for your

outdoor allergies. Make sure you wear sunglasses to keep the pollen away from your

eyes. And if you have long hair, try putting it on a ponytail to avoid pollen from

sticking to your hair.

Take allergy medication

Allergy medications may make you drowsy, but they are very effective and easy to

get at any supermarket. Try taking them an hour before going outside to see the

difference. If over-the-counter medicine is not helping you, do not hesitate to check

with your doctor what could be helpful.

Change your clothes

Pollen collects on your clothes every time you go outside, so as soon as you can,

change them. It is also helpful to wash your hair and body as soon as possible to

remove the pollen from your body.

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